1. Features
  2. Performance Budgeting


Performance Budgeting

Enhancing your website's performance is essential for ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience. Auditzy provides a valuable feature known as the Performance Budget, designed to facilitate the ongoing monitoring and maintenance of your website's performance.

This feature empowers you to establish predefined thresholds for key performance metrics, such as Performance, Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Contentful Paint (FCP), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), Total Blocking Time (TBT), and Speed Index (SPI). By defining these benchmarks, you establish a baseline for acceptable performance levels.

In the event that any of the specified metrics surpass the set budget, Auditzy promptly sends you an email notification. This immediate alert allows you to swiftly address any performance issues that may arise, thereby enabling you to uphold the optimal functioning of your website.

What is a Performance Budget?

Performance budgets serve as protective boundaries for your website, establishing constraints on resource consumption and stipulating essential loading speed criteria. These budgets are instrumental in preserving an optimal user experience and guaranteeing that your website aligns with predefined performance objectives.

Outlined below are illustrative examples of performance metrics that your team may consider incorporating into your performance budget:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Define a threshold to ensure that the largest content element loads within a specified timeframe, such as under 2 seconds.
  • Performance Score: Set a minimum target, such as 90 or higher, for the Lighthouse Performance score, reflecting a commitment to achieving and maintaining a high standard of overall performance.
  • Speed Index: Establish a benchmark for the speed index, aiming for it to be under 1 second, contributing to an expedient loading experience for users.

Why Set a Performance Budget?

Setting a Performance Budget offers several benefits:

  1. User Experience: Ensuring that your website's key performance metrics meet the budget criteria will result in a faster, more enjoyable user experience.
  2. Conversion Rate: Fast-loading websites tend to have higher conversion rates, which can positively impact your business.
  3. SEO: Search engines favor fast-loading websites, and a well-optimized site can lead to improved search engine rankings.

How to Set a Performance Budget?

To set Performance Budget Login to your Account -> Click on Portfolio on the left sidebar -> Select a portfolio for which you want to set the budget for.

In Auditzy, you have two options for setting Performance Budgets:

Global Performance Budget

Set a budget at the portfolio level. This budget applies to all pages within that portfolio. To create a global performance budget, follow these steps :-

  • Click the Set Performance Budget icon for the portfolio.
  • Set thresholds and enable actions for the desired metrics.
  • You have the flexibility to establish performance budgets for both mobile and desktop metrics based on your specific business requirements.
  • Click Save Budget to save the performance budget


Page Level Performance Budget

Customize a budget for individual pages. This will override the global budget for that specific page. To create a page specific performance budget, follow these steps :-

  • Click on View Pages for the desired portfolio.
  • Click the Set Performance Budget icon for the individual page.
  • Set thresholds and enable actions for the desired metrics.
  • You have the flexibility to establish performance budgets for both mobile and desktop metrics based on your specific business requirements.
  • Click Save Budget to save the performance budget


Upon establishing a performance budget for a portfolio or any specific page, you gain visibility into the nuanced details of whether the metrics have fallen below the defined thresholds or surpassed the predetermined limits.

This information is readily available in the Audit report section, allowing you to track and assess the performance of your web assets in relation to the established budgetary constraints.


Furthermore, an email notification alert will be dispatched promptly in the event that any of the metrics surpass the predefined budgetary limits. This notification mechanism ensures timely awareness, enabling swift attention and responsive actions to maintain optimal performance.


  • If a performance budget is set for portfolio i.e. Global Performance Budget, it will be applied to all the pages in that portfolio.

  • If a performance budget is set for a specific page, it will override the Global Performance Budget for that page.

  • You can also set Performance Budget directly from the Audit Report itself.

Got Questions or Need Help??

Do you have inquiries or need assistance specifically related to Auditzy's Performance Budgeting feature? Interested in a demo to explore how Quick Audit can enhance your Website/URL Speed and Performance testing?

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