1. Real User Monitoring
  2. Core Web Vital Analysis

Real User Monitoring

Core Web Vital Analysis

Auditzy Core Web Vitals (CWV) analysis, enables real-time tracking of your website pages' performance.

No more waiting for 28-day data aggregation – now instantly assess whether your website meets web performance standards or not in real-time.

Core Web Vital Device Level Analysis

The Core Web Vitals Device Level Analysis begins with a summary that shows:

  1. The number of URLs passing or failing Core Web Vital metrics (LCP, CLS, INP) on mobile and desktop devices.

  2. A percentile metric card displaying:

  • p75 (75th percentile - default) performance values for LCP, CLS, and INP
  • Total number of URLs analyzed
  • Session count
  • Page view count

This overview provides a quick snapshot of the website's performance against key Core Web Vitals metrics across different devices and browsing contexts.

Core Web Vital Device Level Analysis

Percentile dropdown further helps in analyzing the count of passing and failing URLs across different percentiles i.e. 25th, 50th, 75th, 99th.

Core Web Vital Metric Level Analysis

Below the Device level analysis, the Core Web Vitals Metric Level Analysis provides a detailed breakdown of each Core Web Vital metric i.e. LCP, CLS, and INP, FCP and TTFB.

Core Web Vital Metric Level Analysis

The pie-chart breaks down the URLs into Good, Needs Improvement, and Poor categories based on the specified metric with a color-coded representation.Performance metric card below the pie-chart displays the performance values for the selected metric across selected percentile.

Core Web Vital Metric Level Analysis

Percentile dropdown allows users to analyze the the count of Good, Needs Improvement, and Poor across different percentiles.


Core Web Vital Analysis only provides insights into the real time performance tracking of your website pages for 28 days time range only.

Core Web Vital URL Level Analysis

Every card on the Core Web Vitals Device or Metric Level Analysis has a See Details button which leads to the URL Level Analysis.

URL Level Analysis provides a detailed breakdown of each URL's performance metrics for the selected Core Web Vital metric.

Core Web Vital URL Level Analysis

The advanced filters allow users to filter out Metrics, Devices, Percentiles and Passing/Failing category to drill down into the performance of specific URLs.


For ex. LCP, CLS & INP checked with Mobile device, 75th Percentile & Passed Category will show the URLs that have passed the LCP, CLS & INP metrics on Mobile devices for the 75th percentile.

Core Web Vital URL Level Filters

Core Web Vitals Exact URL User Experience Distribution

If the Exact URL filter is applied (at the top), the Core Web Vitals Metric Level Analysis will also display metric level user experience distribution for exact domain URL i.e. How many visitors have Good LCP (<2.5s) or Needs Improvement LCP (2.5s-4s) or Poor LCP (>4s) for the selected URL.

Core Web Vitals Exact URL User Experience Distribution

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For any inquiries or support related to Auditzy's Real User Monitoring (RUM) setup, configuration or understanding data, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

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Start monitoring your website performance with  Auditzy, or run a Free Historical Core Web Vitals Test today.