1. Real User Monitoring
  2. Location Based Insights

Real User Monitoring

Location Based Insights

Auditzy™ RUM provides insights into the geographical location of visitors accessing your website. This data is crucial for understanding the performance of your website across different regions and optimizing it for a global audience.

World Map Overview

The World Map Overview offers a visual representation of the distribution of website visitors across different countries. This map provides a high-level perspective of the geographical distribution of visitors and their corresponding performance metrics.

World Map Overview

The World Map Overview allows users to:

  • View the distribution of visitors: The map displays the distribution of website visitors across different countries, providing insights into the geographical reach of your website.

  • Analyze performance metrics: Users can analyze performance metrics such as Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), and Interaction to Next Paint (INP) across different regions.

  • Identify performance variations: By examining performance metrics across different regions, users can identify performance variations and potential areas for optimization.

Metric Filters, Desktop/Mobile/All Toggle and Percentile Dropdown (25th, 50th, 75th, 99th) allow users to customize the data displayed on the World Map Overview.

World Map Filters


The Red, Yellow and Green color codes on the map are based on the metric based performance ranges i.e. For TTFB the Good (Green) range is 0-800ms, Need Improvement (Yellow) range is 800-1800ms and Poor (Red) range is above 1800ms.

On the right side of the World Map Overview, there are several data points to look at, let's break them down:

Metric Details

This card offers information on country-specific performance metrics. For example, the p75 TTFB (75th percentile Time to First Byte) for India over a three-month period is 0.41 seconds. Additionally, it displays the overall p75 TTFB metric for the selected device.

Metric Details

Total Page Views

This card provides insights into the total number of page views from visitors in the selected country.

Total Page Views

Metric Specific User Experience Distribution

This card categorizes user experiences based on performance metrics. It classifies user experiences into Good, Needs Improvement, and Poor categories based on the specified metric and gives an understanding of how users in the selected country experience the performance of the website.

For ex. In the below example 90% of users in India experience a Good TTFB, 7% experience Needs Improvement, and 3% experience Poor TTFB.

User Experience Distribution

Country City Level Insights

Country City Level Insights is a detailed view of the performance metrics of visitors from different cities within a selected country.

This view provides a granular analysis of performance metrics at the city level, allowing users to identify performance variations across different cities.

Country City Level Insights

Mobile/Desktop/All Toggle and Percentile Dropdown (25th, 50th, 75th, 99th) helps to customize the data and analyze performance metrics for visitors from different cities within the selected country. By Default City with the most page views comes at the top.

The %Split data gives insights into which city contributes the most to the total page views for the selected country so that businesses can focus on optimizing the performance for these cities.

Got Questions or Need Help?

For any inquiries or support related to Auditzy's Real User Monitoring (RUM) setup, configuration or understanding data, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

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