1. Real User Monitoring
  2. Data Privacy

Real User Monitoring

Auditzy Real User Monitoring & Data Privacy

Let's understand what data we collect to measure and report real time user experience on your website.

What data does Auditzy RUM collect?

Auditzy RUM collects the following data points:

  • Page URLs
  • CSS Selectors, text content, position, and size of UI elements
  • Performance metrics from browser APIs (e.g., LCP, CLS, INP)
  • Details of network resources requested
  • Visitor information such as country, region, browser, operating system, referrer, and user agent
  • Device size and screen resolution
  • User interactions on the page

Although our goal is not to gather personal data, the real user website monitoring data may inadvertently include such information for certain websites. For instance, if a user visits a page URL like example.com/visitor/tom-cruise.

We have a data retention policy of minimum 30 days after which the data is automatically deleted.

Does Auditzy RUM use cookies?

Auditzy refrains from employing cookies or comparable technologies. It solely gathers data for individual page views and refrains from tracking users across a session.

Can we self-host the Auditzy RUM script and data collection code?

For all RUM data to be routed through your servers, kindly reach out to our support team for assistance.

Got Questions or Need Help?

For any inquiries or support related to Auditzy's Real User Monitoring (RUM) and data privacy, including setup, configuration, or understanding data, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

Would you like to see a demo of our product? We're here to help you achieve your goals effectively.

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Start monitoring your website performance with  Auditzy, or run a Free Historical Core Web Vitals Test today.