1. Features
  2. Portfolio Excel Upload


Portfolio Excel Upload

The Portfolio Excel Upload feature lets you effortlessly upload multiple portfolios along with their corresponding sitemaps in the blink of an eye. Take advantage of our streamlined process by downloading the Portfolio Creation Excel Template, uploading the Excel file, and you're all set!

Receive timely updates through email notifications once your Excel sheet is processed. The notification includes details such as the Total Successful URL Count, Total Failed URL Count, and a convenient link to download the processed Excel sheet.

Additionally, an Errors column is included in the download to provide insights into any issues identified in the sheet, ensuring you stay informed about the status and potential errors.

How to get started with Auditzy Portfolio Excel Upload?

Step 1: Download the Portfolio Creation Excel Template

  • Click on the Audit Menu on the Left Sidebar and select Portfolio option.
  • Click on the Add Portfolios in Bulk button at the top-right corner of the page.
  • Download the Portfolio Creation Excel Template by clicking on the Download Excel Sheet Template button.


  • The template comprises the following columns: URL, Sitemap URL, IsCompetitor (Indicate TRUE for Competitors, FALSE otherwise), and IsBasePath (Set TRUE for URLs with a base path as the domain URL, such as example.com/us or example.com/gb; otherwise, set to FALSE).
  • URL, IsCompetitor and IsBasePath are mandatory fields, while Sitemap URL is optional.


Step 2: Fill in the Excel Sheet

  • Fill in the Portfolio Creation Excel Template with the required data in .xlsx format.
  • Once the Excel sheet is filled, upload the completed Excel sheet by clicking on the Upload Excel and Start Portfolio Creation button to initiate the process.

You will receive an email notification once the process is initiated. Upon completion of processing the Excel sheet, you'll receive another email containing the count of successful and failed URLs. This notification will also provide a convenient link to download the processed Excel sheet, which includes an "Errors" column offering insights into any identified issues.


Once the process is complete, you can find the newly added portfolios/competitors in the Portfolio/Competitor Listing page.

Got Questions or Need Help??

Do you have inquiries or need assistance specifically related to Auditzy's Portfolio Excel Upload feature? Interested in a demo to explore how Quick Audit can enhance your Website/URL Speed and Performance testing?

Our support team is here to provide the guidance you need!

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