1. Real User Monitoring
  2. Domain & Page Insights

Real User Monitoring

Domain & Page Insights

Auditzy™ RUM is a powerful tool that offers in-depth insights into website performance, catering to both domain and page levels.

Domain Level Insights

At the Domain level, Auditzy™ RUM offers users a comprehensive summary of website performance, including historical trends across Desktop, Mobile, and Overall Domain metrics.

This overview allows users to track performance variations over time and gain insights into the overall performance trends across different platforms.

This includes metrics such as the Core Web Vitals:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
  • Interaction to Next Paint (INP)
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

and other key performance indicators like

  • First Contentful Paint (FCP)
  • Time to First Byte (TTFB)

Percentile dropdown filter allows users to view the historical trend of performance for the desired percentile range (for ex. 25th, 50th, 75th, 99th, etc.).

This high-level perspective enables users to identify trends, patterns, and potential areas for improvement across the entire domain.

Below is an example TTFB graph trend displaying the p75 TTFB value, along with the Total Page Views and Session Count for the domain for Mobile and Desktop devices.

Domain Level Insights

The Overall Performance Overview provides comprehensive performance metrics for the entire domain, including Page Views and Sessions.

Overall Level Insights

Page Level Insights

Page Level insights delve into the page specific performance details, offering a granular examination of individual pages within the website.

You can access the performance insights for exact page URLs or filter them based on specific with page patterns filter (for ex. /blog/*, /product/*, etc.).

Exact URL Based Search (Ex. /blog/my-first-blog):

Page Level Insights

Pattern Based Search (Ex. /blog/*, /product/*):

Pattern Level Insights

You can also manage (save/delete) the page patterns for future reference for quick access.

Manage Patterns

Page-level insights additionally furnish users with a listing of the Top 10 Most Visited Pages categorized by mobile and desktop devices.

Top Visited Pages

This listing includes key metrics such as Page Views, the percentage split of each page's views relative to the total page views, and the total page views for each respective device category.

Got Questions or Need Help?

For any inquiries or support related to Auditzy's Real User Monitoring (RUM) setup, configuration or understanding data, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.

Would you like to see a demo of our product? We're here to help you achieve your goals effectively.

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Explore Auditzy Today

Start monitoring your website performance with  Auditzy, or run a Free Historical Core Web Vitals Test today.